1993 Bobby Dodd National Back of the Year

Peyton Manning, Isidore (Newman, New Orleans, La). QB 6’5″ 210 lbs.

Peyton Manning’s statistics tell only part of the story. However, when we talk about sports figures we neces-sarily must report the stats. Over the three varsity years Peyton played for Coach Reginelli at Newman High School he attempted 761 passes and completed 452 for a completion per-centage of 59%. He totaled 7,190 yards passing and completed 82 times for touchdowns while having only 26 picked off. Also over his three years he carried the ball for 338 yards and scored 13 touch-downs. His high school team went 34 – 5 for the years 1991-1992-1993. I realize this is football and not horse racing but bloodlines play  some part in this young man’s history.

He is the son of Olivia and Archie Manning; Archie was the 1969 winner of the “Best College Back” award of the Touchdown Club of Atlanta. Peyton has been talked about on every campus in the country. Not only is he talked about in the Coach’s offices but also in the admission offices. Peyton has a 3.5 GPA.

More has been written about Peyton in the southeast however. Each time he is seen on a campus the interest heightens about the coming year’s type of offense. He has visited all the major colleges and all are hoping he will pick them as his favorite place to study and play his sport. On August 15th, the first day college recruiters could contact prospects, there were 23 calls at his home. Some of the ones he has been considering are Ole Miss, Notre Dame, Michigan, Tennessee, Texas, FSU, Florida, and the list goes on.

By the time you read this we all will know Peyton’s choice and there will be heightened enthusiasm on one college and long faces on several others.

Congratulations and our very best wishes go to a second generation winner from the Touchdown Club of Atlanta.


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January 18, 2016